| GRAPHIC | Tokyo
“Life Is Creative” Exhibition
at 3331 Arts Chiyoda
ライフ イズ クリエイティブ 展
Never retire from a creative life.
Japan is a country well known for its long life expectancy.
Under this circumstances,
retirement only means the beginning of their second part of life.
“Life is Creative” is an ongoing research project on elderly needs and living,
“Life is Creative” Exhibition showcased the possibilities of living an active life under 8 themes:
1. Senior Media
2. Food
3. Park
4. Old Town
5. Love and Relationships
6. Product design for alchemizer disease
7. Emergency prevention
8. End of life planning
The exhibition also included seminar, workshops, activities and worldwide case studies.
Art Director / Illustration:
寄藤文平 Yorifuji Bunpei
Graphic Design:
Saki Ho@Bunpei Ginza